CSTI acoustics works with private residences to resolve their acoustical problems.

To do so, we make sound and, if appropriate, vibration measurements, analyze the data, and offer recommendations for noise isolation and reverberation control in single-family and multiunit residential buildings.



Reverberation and echo control


For large open living areas with non-absorptive floors and ceilings, we work with the designers/owners to find creative ways to increase the sound absorption so that reverberation and echoes are not a problem.

For a River Oaks homeowner, CSTI acoustics recommended specific reverberation control treatments for a party room with a swimming pool.




Sound isolation


We improve sound isolation by analyzing the background sound, identifying unwanted transmission paths, and recommending treatments.



Speech privacy


Whether you need a quiet retreat from the noise of everyday life or privacy for important discussions or phone calls, we can help. We design quiet rooms to eliminate the worry of eavesdropping or the nuisance of intruding noise when you’re trying to get things done.



Home theater design


If you’re interested in designing a home theater, we can offer recommendations for speaker design, room arrangement, materials or other essentials that have a fundamental effect on the quality of your listening pleasure.